Postdoc @UCF for Assured Neuro-Symbolic Learning and Reasoning (ANSR)
Email: mdrubel.ahmed@ucf.edu
Short Bio
I completed my doctoral research from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of South Florida (USF) and defended my dissertation in fall 2023. Under the supervision of Dr. Hao Zheng, my work makes significant contributions to the field of specification mining and high-level synthesis. I earned my BSc in Computer Science and Engineering from Khulna University of Engineering and Technology in 2017 and my MS in Computer Engineering from USF in 2021.
Currently, I am a postdoctoral research associate at the University of Central Florida, with a courtesy postdoc position at the University of Florida working under the supervision of Dr. Rickard Ewetz at the AI and Emerging Computing Lab. My postdoctoral work is part of the DARPA-funded ANSR project, where I focus on developing hybrid AI algorithms that combine neuro-symbolic reasoning with data-driven learning to create trustworthy autonomous systems. My research emphasizes enhancing the perception capabilities of autonomous drones in resource-constrained environments, integrating advanced technologies like ROS2 and Docker multi-container systems.
During my time as an intern at Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL) in Cambridge, MA, I worked under the mentorship of Dr. Toshiaki Koike-Akino and I designed FPGA solutions for real-time signal processing applications, further enhancing my expertise in the field of high-level synthesis.
Research Interests
My research interests are centered around the development of secure, efficient, and evolvable computing and cyber architectures using machine learning. Specifically, I am interested in the broader areas:
- Computer Aided Design (CAD) for VLSI
- Computer Architecture
- Computer Vision
- Neuro-Symbolic Reasoning
Additionally, I specialize in applying AI to hardware-software co-design, multi-objective optimization in HLS, and micro-architecture design for energy-efficient SoCs. Through my research, I aim to push the boundaries of what is possible in computing, making computing more secure, efficient, and adaptable to future challenges.
News and updates
Oct. 2024: | Paper accepted at WACV '25 from AI and Emerging Computing Lab! Congratulations Fazle Rahat! |
Oct. 2024: | Joined University of Florida as a courtesy Postdoctoral Associate! |
Sep. 2024: | Paper accepted at ICAA '24 from AI and Emerging Computing Lab! |
Sep. 2024: | Paper accepted at ICMLA '24 from AI and Emerging Computing Lab! |
Jun. 2024: | Paper accepted at ICCAD '24 from AI and Emerging Computing Lab! |
Jan. 2024: | Journal paper accepted at TCAD [PDF]! |
Jan. 2024: | Started the employment position as Postdoctoral Research Associate at University of Central Florida! |
Dec. 2023: | Paper accepted at Neuro-Symbolic Learning and Reasoning in the era of Large Language Models Workshop co-located with the 38th AAAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) 2024.! |
Dec. 2023: | Successfully defended doctoral dissertation titled "Machine Learning for Electronic Design Automation: Specification Mining and High-Level Synthesis."! |
June 2023: | Three papers accepted at IEEE 66th International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS 2023)! |
Feb 2023: | Awarded Dissertation Completion Fellowship (worth $9K) from Office of Graduate Studies at USF! |
Feb 2023: | Work-In-Progress paper accepted for presentation at 60th Design and Automation Conference (DAC-2023) |
Feb 2023: | Internship tenure @MERL got extended! |
Dec 2022: | Paper Accepted at ASP-DAC 2023 PhD forum. |
Sept 2022: | Joined Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL) as a Research Intern |
Feb 2022: | Received USF Engineering Alumni Society Scholarship. |
Dec 2021: | Presented Work-In-Progress Poster at 58th Design and Automation Conference (DAC-2021) |
Sept 2021: | Finished major research area presentation. |
Jun 2021: | Received NSF travel grant for ISVLSI-2021 |
Jun 2021: | Paper Accepted at ISVLSI-2021[PDF(preprint)] |
Feb 2021: | Paper Accepted at ISQED-2021 |
Jun 2020: | Selected as Richard A Newton Young Fellow to attend 57th Design and Automation Conference (DAC-2020) |
Dec 2019: | Presented poster at WARREN B. NELMS ANNUAL IOT CONFERENCE 2019 |
Oct 2019: | Presented poster at 2nd IFIP International IoT Conference |
Aug 2019: | Started working as a Research Assistant under the supervision of Dr. Hao Zheng |
Jul 2019: | Passed Ph.D. qualifying exam |
Jun 2019: | Selected as Richard A Newton Young Fellow to attend 56th Design and Automation Conference (DAC-2019) |
May 2019: | Taught Computer Architecture, summer 2019 |
Mar 2019: | Presented Poster at |
Aug 2018: | Started graduate school at University of South Florida |
Aug 2018: | Started working as a Graduate Teaching Assistant at USF |